He took us around this estate, explaining the architecture (apparently it's euro-afro), telling us about the plants (they're 'one with nature' there) and of course all the rich and successful people that live there. He was explaining in his British accent about how, "So-and-so are very successful. So-and-so runs a very successful company. So-and-so is the cousin of some South African celebrity (be impressed people). This man here just bought a R2.3 million Ferrari. This man's house is worth R23.3 million: the chandelier comes down for cleaning, indoor and outdoor pool with gym, cinema with 7 plush seats (he had to add that for what reason I'm not sure), disco floor and this decoration on the side of the house sparkles at night."
So we're driving through this estate with this British man telling us about the success of everyone here, how many rich and 'famous' people live here. He was explaining the intense security and how they have to scan your finger in order to enter the premises. (hmmmm ...)
The whole time I was thinking of how I would die slowly in a place like this. The only thing that impressed me was the gorgeous view but the realtor was going on and on and on about the 'success' of everyone who lives here and how much money they've invested into their house and how he's very good friends with the CEO of Kellogg's in South Africa.
Meanwhile there's an orphanage not far from here who could really do with some money but all these people are just spending it on themselves. Wasting their lives. They're building there homes on sand and when something happens and they lose everything ... what will they have? Nothing. 99.9% of the time their friends would leave them and most of these couples don't have children.
It made me realize the fleeting lusts of this world. How from such a young age we're told to go to a college or university ... for what? To have a good job so that you can pay your bills? So that you can have a big house and nice car? And then at the end of your life what do you have to show for it? Nothing but the fact that you have a lot of money in your bank account.
That's the difference between God's system and the cursed system of this world. God says He's our provider but the thing that I find with Christianity a lot of the time is that they distance God from their problems. They pray about it, sure, but they still have to do it in their own strength. But God provides supernaturally and most of the time He'll always take you to the edge of the cliff where it looks impossible but then that way He shows His amazing strength and power ... through impossibility.
We have to change systems and governments. The Torah isn't just writing on paper, it's a law, it's a constitution where it tells you how to live when you're in God's Kingdom. Just like countries have laws for the people that live there.
So my mission in life is to constantly switch governments. Where I'm trusting God for everything that I need, even the things that aren't necessities but you know what? YHVH cares about those things too.
I'd much rather live in a little small house in a place where I'm useful, where I can help people rather than live in a big house with a fancy car and have loads of friends around me who really don't care about me. God has stripped me of all that and right now the people who are beside me and truly care about me are my family. I don't have friends that I can hang out with on the weekends. My one true best friend is my mom (beside God). We don't have a big fancy house worth millions. But we still have a house that we rent where everyone is comfortable with 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms plus a cottage for Evelyn. We don't have a big car, we drive a little rust bucket Taz. But i'm so much happier now than I ever was before. Because I know that this is only the desert. Where God has taken us out of the pagan nations, is stripping us of all we have known (literally), and removing the Egypt from our hearts and yes it's can be very hard but that's where God tests us and sees where our faith is. Where we turn when we see the waves around us.
Will we fear the waves? Have more faith in the strength of the enemy and the world and forget to see YHVH walking on the waves ... holding out His hand for us to take it?