Monday, July 14, 2014


You know what i've been realizing more and more lately? How some people focus so much on the petty things in life and ignore the bigger issues.

Christians especially. They can judge a person so harshly by their external appearance and whether or not they drink or smoke and they forget all about the heart underneath. From my personal experience i find the tattooed, smoking people to be very genuine and open and the people covered in modest clothing from top to toe to be the most harshest critiques. You may throw around the cheesy quote "don't judge a book by it's cover" but in all honesty, the religious people do that most of all. The people who claim to follow the Bible can be such hypocrites. The people who are supposed to love those from all different kinds of backgrounds, all different kinds of skin colour, all different kinds of appearances, and all different levels in their individual walk with God, can do the complete opposite.

I'm speaking from experience here. I write a lot about such topics, judging people, and i speak about it a lot because it makes me really mad to see 'Christians' push people away and condemn them because they happen to swear or they struggle with smoking, or they have tattoos.
There's more important things to focus on.
How many blogs and YouTube channels out there do you get on women's appearances? Modesty. I'm not saying that women who have blogs or YouTube channels primarily speaking on modesty is wrong but for most young, female bloggers out there to only speak about modesty? I mean, there's more for young women to focus on other than the fact of wearing skirts is more holy than wearing pants. What are you doing in those skirts or pants? Are you helping the needy? Are you feeding the hungry? Clothing the naked and doing whatever you can, going out of your comfort zone, to restore someone's dignity?

That's what's important. Not how much flesh your covering up or how long your hair is.

I say this because i'm sick of people judging other people so harshly, purely based on appearance and meanwhile their neighbour or someone in their congregation needs a roof over their head and they can't do it? Seriously?

Why is modesty so emphasized for women and not men? Most modesty videos i watch they focus about 2 minutes on the guys and the remaining 8 minutes on women. Modesty teachings need to go in my opinion. Yes, modesty is important for BOTH men and women, don't flash your flesh around and don't dress in a sensual way. But if i want to wear shorts that go above my knee to swim in or if i want to wear a tank top when hiking then let me be. I refuse to believe that guys are so sensitive to knees and shoulders that they utterly can't control themselves when they do see that bit of flesh. If you do struggle with a woman wearing casual shorts and a t-shirt on a casual day but instead she has to wear looooong skirts and looooong tops just to cater to your sensitivity then you have issues. I've met men who are normal. Who don't require women to dress according to such standards in order to not lust after them. So i know those guys exist and that's what guys should be like.
Modesty teachings can do the exact same thing that the world does. Make women into sex objects for men's pleasure alone. I have legs, i have arms, they're not sexy unless you make them to be in your own mind.

I really don't care if a person swears, drinks, smokes, has tattoos or piercings. You know why? Because no where in the Bible do you see God pointing these issues out and making it into a weighty matter. I used to be very offended when a person swore. How dare they? But seriously, it's not worth my time and effort to get offended and be upset with that person.

Is swearing a sin? No. You don't see it mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Sure it's not nice to hear and i utterly do not condone swear words to be directed towards any person. But if a person lets a 'bad' word slip out of their mouth for some reason ... there's no reason to blow it up and now think that person is just an utterly horrible, bad human being.

Is drinking a sin? No, not at all. Everything in moderation. Obviously you don't go now and get drunk just because it's not a sin. But if a person wants a glass of wine with their dinner or if someone wants a beer then why not? My brother drinks. When we go out to a nice restaurant he'll order a drink and that's it. Something to fuss over? Nope. It's a drink. I personally do not like the taste of alcohol. I've tasted many different drinks including some pretty bright coloured ones but i hate the taste of it all. Whisky? Probably one of the worst flavours i've ever tasted. A Savanna is nice but not something i'd drink for pleasure. But i still want to try Amarula.

Is smoking a sin? Nope. It's not the best thing for your health but no reason to condemn a person. I know a Torah observant man who's very zealous for God but he just so happens to smoke. Do i criticize him? Judge him? No. Because it's his heart that matters.

Are tattoos and piercings a sin? Obviously i believe that piercings are perfectly alright and i've been studying up on tattoos lately to understand the Word in context and not believe something just because everyone believes it and it's something that i've grown up believing because of my parents or pastor. The more i research the more i lean towards the fact that tattoos are bad only if you get it to honour the dead or a pagan idol. I know people who love God and keep his Torah who have tattoos. When i see their heart and their desire to follow their King i honestly don't see how some ink on your arm can change that. How God is further away from you because of that. It doesn't seem like God's character.

Everything in moderation. There's a difference between having one drink and getting drunk, having a filthy mouth or just saying the odd swear word because you're upset, having tattoos:

And having tattoos:

The weightier matters of Torah are helping the needy, honouring people and treating them as equal and not oppressing them. That's what's the Torah is all about. Treating your fellow man with respect and dignity in your home, in your business, and just in general. Surprisingly a lot of people don't do that and i'm learning all about that in this stage of my life. How people can sit down for a Shabbat meal and praise God for everything that He's doing in their life but they can't be friends or help a person because he's/she's black. Does the amount of melanin in a persons skin define how you're supposed to treat them? You're following Torah, you're claiming to follow the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, you're supposed to be a light to the NATIONS. The many nations out their, not only to the white people. So really, don't sit down for a Shabbat meal when you can't even invite your workers to join you because they're black.

So be careful when you judge a person on their appearance because you don't know what their heart it like beneath.


  1. From Zara's Mama.I have just read your private blog from Zara.My dear Rachel-your are doing everything that you believe is right in your eyes and not what the Word of God says-you are following the Torah-that is only the first 5 books of the Bible-what about the rest??????? Get into the second testament -the New Testament and see what Jesus says.Did Jesus smoke,swear,drink,have earrings,tattoos,go about half naked???Why do you want to be like the world? We are to be the salt of the earth according to Matthews Gospel.When your life is changed from the inside, the outside will reflect it.Seek God and His Kingdom,honour the Lord.Not all women who wear modest clothing,long hair,no earrings or tattoos despise the unconverted,reject those who are painted all over or black or coloured people-don't knock us all!!! Read the New Testament and see what God's standards are not what is right in our own eyes. You keep talking about following the Torah but what about the rest of God's Word?Paul talks about doing everything in moderation,yes a little wine for your stomach's sake,but we know people who took a little wine and today are alcoholics, smoking kills,over eating is not good for ones body either. Don't go by your standards,nor mine by what God says.His ways are higher than our ways.I don't want to look like the world,but not just looks I want a heart that honours the Lord Jesus,that serves Jesus and reaches out to others but I certainly do not want to look like the world and act like the world,I don't want to be a stumbling block to anyone else,if my neighbour sees me drinking and thinks its okay he may turn into an alcoholic. As time went on the Lord gave His people more and more light on how we are to look and behave-get into His Word Rachel and you will see how we are to live.

  2. Hi Zara's mom. Thanks for your comment. I do follow the whole Bible, OT and NT, i stress the Torah because a lot of people discard it and the Torah is where God's rules are and not only that but it's the foundation to everything that Yeshua taught. Yeshua in the NT didn't change it at all. Yeshua lived Torah. Yeshua obviously did not smoke (i'm sure He had some wine as He turned water into wine at a wedding) or do anything of those things and i'm not condoning a lack of self-control in these areas, what i'm writing about in this post is the fact we have no right to judge a persons heart or their relationship with God purely based on those few little things as many people do. Being like the world does not only consist of smoking, drinking, having tattoos/piercings and none of those subjects are ever mentioned in the Bible as being a great sin.
    I agree with you, everything in moderation as i mentioned in this post. I'm not knocking every person out there who dresses modestly and i'm not saying that they all despise those who are different but i know many people who do. I just met a family who claims to follow God but they can't have an African eat from the same cutlery. I am coming against those people because they have no right to treat people like 2nd class citizens. Yeshua reprimanded the Pharisees for failing to keep the weightier matters of the Torah. They focus so much on the outward doing than on the response of the heart which should be inline with righteousness, justice and mercy. Not once does Yeshua speak about a tattoo, having a drink or smoking but He does speak a lot about clothing the naked, bringing the homeless into your home, and feeding the hungry.
    You tell me to get into God's Word to see how i am to live and that's what i'm doing what about you? Are you keeping the Torah? Are you keeping the Shabbat on the 7th day? Are you eating clean? Are you keeping the feast days? God's feast days in His Word, not xmas and easter as those are days that the world keeps and honours and if you're doing that then you're acting the way the world acts and honouring a pagan god. I'd be careful with that because that's more serious of an offense in God's eyes than if i have a drink or if a have a piercing.

    The Kingdom of God that Yeshua referred to is one where we care enough about our fellow man to make sure they have everything that they need and we help to restore their dignity.

  3. Ever since coming to Torah, my family has experienced so much change. We are doing things that as christians we didn't. We invite people over all the time for dinner or a bible study. We welcome people into our homes if they need someplace to be....even when we have practically no space, our house is so tiny. I used to walk by people asking for money pretending that I didn't see I give as much as I can or if I don't have anything I try to go and buy them something in the store. Those moments when we give and help someone...they are the highlights of our lives. The verse where God says I was hungry and you didn't feed me, naked and you didn't clothe me....It would break me so deeply to hear Him speak that to me.
    I know I do "preach" a lot on modesty, but that is mostly because of the background that I've come from. I hate to see women think they are so low that they can't be good enough without makeup, the best jewlery, perfect hair, eyebrows, teeth, lashes, nails. And I'm around people who, frankly, dress like prostitutes. And that is the way a lot of women associate acceptance. I think the priority is to cover the chest and booty (and not to wear short shorts). And while I support modesty, I'm not going to rage about it. I have a friend who couldn't cover her hair because of headaches. It wouldn't be right of me to condemn her because of that. Especially when I know her heart is for YHVH and she may even be closer to Him than I.

    Great post, very thought provoking.

    1. I completely agree with you. I don't want to make it sound like i'm bashing all modesty teachings. I love your blog and YouTube channel, but you don't ONLY speak about modesty, you speak about other things too which is awesome. I'm just sad when i see girls obsessing over modesty (i used to be like that) that they don't focus on other things. Like they're not more than how much fabric they're wearing and that's all a woman will amount to. I've heard stories of women who never stop wearing head coverings, even to go to sleep in, like their hair is so provocative that it needs to be covered up constantly (i can't wear head coverings either because i also get headaches) or women in eastern countries being abused and having acid thrown on them because they're not covering their hair. But modesty is important, i do support it, it's just some teachings on it get me angry because they make it sound like a woman's body is so sensual even in baggy jeans.

      But you're doing a great job with your blog and channel, you're going about it the right way. And it is good for women to know that they don't need to look perfect in order to be worth something and the world does need women who will speak on those topics. There's just a difference between teaching modesty like you do, showing that women are worth more and they're beautiful the way God made them to other teachings that condemn women for wearing jeans because it's her responsibility to keep a man's heart and mind pure.

      Thanks for not misinterpreting me :D
