Saturday, October 18, 2014

Shabbat Notes// Parashah B'resheet

We start reading the Torah all over again today. This Is the 5th time I’m reading it and it’s actually pretty cool to think of that ‘cause a lot of people skip the first 5 books of the Bible because it’s ‘boring’ and ‘done away with’ so to think that I’ve read it 5 times over is quite awesome actually.

For a while now I’ve been reading more from my Complete Jewish Bible ‘cause of the easy translation and I really like how some Hebrew words are thrown in there. I thought that I’d just share some of my thoughts and notes that I took today from the Torah portion and the Haftorah as well.

Firstly I really loved how the importance of the Shabbat is stressed right in the beginning. In chapter 2 of Genesis God says that this 7th day of rest is to be holy and a blessed day. I don’t understand why so many Christians are determined not to keep this commandment. Is resting for an entire day and dedicating one day out of your week to YHVH such a burden? If so, then I feel sorry for you ‘cause you have not yet experienced the God of the Universe and His love.

Just like God told Adam what to eat and what not to eat, what to do and what not to do, He’s done the same thing for us. He’s given us His Word/Torah that leads to life but of course so many of us are tricked and deceived by the enemy by the ancient sentence that changed the world, “Did God really say that?” Do you see a pattern here? God tells Adam not to do a certain thing for his own good but he goes ahead a does it anyway and does what was right in his own eyes. God tells us not to do certain things but then the enemy creeps in with a “did God really say that?” and we follow in Adam’s footsteps of doing what is right in our own eyes. If you believe that the Torah is not for today then this is exactly what you’re doing.
In case you haven’t noticed God doesn't like that and our sinful lifestyle will lead to curses instead of blessings and even death down the road.

You do not fully know the Father if you’re still following the lies inherited by your fathers. You can be saved and out of covenant and many people are and don’t know it. The covenant is the Torah, the marriage contract between Him and us. Destroy that and what do you have? Nothing.

ISAIAH 42:21 – Adonai was pleased, for His righteousness’ sake, to make the Torah great and glorious.

This is God’s plan for His Torah but the people who claim to follow and love Him are doing the complete opposite … what does that mean? They're decreasing the importance of the Torah.

I'm sorry but you can think and feel as much as you want that you are so close to God but if you are still believing in lies and practicing pagan holidays then there's no way on earth that God will be close to you on an intimate level that He had with the heroes in the Bible. The only way you can draw close to Him is by holding His Word and what's dear to Him dear to you too. God can't trust you with great responsibility if you're believing lies and attaching His Holy name with profane practices. God won't be able to use you the way He used David or Esther or Abraham while you're eating your pork and hallowing the worship of Tammuz. 

It's impossible.

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